Monday -Friday - 9:00 - 18:00 New Zealand Time

ACC Levies

What are ACC levies?

Levies are paid by businesses, motor vehicle owners and employees for injury cover that is funded by the ACC Scheme. Levies are reviewed and set each year.  

What are the rates?

ACC rates vary for businesses, it is charged according to the nature of the business. Generally, ACC send an invoice which includes charges for the current year and charges for the coming year.

(1)Self-employed and non-PAYE shareholders also pay the Earners’ levy (non-work claims levy). 

(2) These are average rates. Individual rates for industry groups and motor vehicle classes may be higher or lower. 

What is ACC Coverplus?

ACC CoverPlus is ACC’s standard personal injury cover for self-employed people. It automatically applies when you start self-employment. It includes 24-hour no-fault cover for work-related and non-work related personal injuries, including access to the full range of medical treatment and rehabilitation benefits and up to 80% compensation for lost earnings.

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